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On the CJT Formalism in Multi-Field Theories 


Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Rd., Oxford 0X1 3NP, UK 


The issues that arise when using the Cornwall- Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism in multi-field 
theories are investigated. Particular attention is devoted to the interplay between tempera- 
ture effects, ultraviolet structure, and the interdependence of the gap equations. Results are 
presented explicitly in the case of the evaluation of the finite temperature effective potential 
of a theory with two scalar fields which has attracted interest as a toy model for symmetry 
nonrestoration at high temperatures. The lowest nontrivial order of approximation of the 
Cornwall- Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential is shown to lead to consistent results, which 
are relevant for recent studies of symmetry nonrestoration by Bimonte and Lozano. 

PACS numbers: 11.30.Qc, 12.10.Dm, 14.80.Hv, 90.80.Cq 



January 1996 


The importance of nonperturbative techniques in ordinary ("zero-temperature" or "vac- 
uum") fied theory is widely recognized. These techniques are even more important, some- 
times providing the only consistent approach to a problem, in finite temperature field theory, 
which is affected by infrared problems that are not easily handled within perturbative ap- 

Over the last twenty years the Cornwall- Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) formalism of the effec- 
tive action for composite operators|I[ has been frequently used as a nonperturbative tech- 
nique for the study of zero-temperature problems. More recently, in Refs.H, |3j, Pi and 
I advocated the use of the CJT formalism also in the investigation of problems of finite 
temperature field theory. Tests J|, [5] of our proposal have found that it is among the best 
approaches^ to the study of the type of issues naturally arising in finite temperature field 
theory. In some cases the results of Refs. |, 3fl have been used as standards to which other 
nonperturbative techniques are compared 9|, 10| . These successes of the CJT formalism are 

however somewhat limited (especially in the finite temperature context), since they have been 
obtained either within rigorous analyses of single- fieldQ theories |1|, 0, [|, |5|] or within analyses 
of multi-field theories in some rather drastic approximation |1], W. This is a noticeable limita- 
tion since the CJT formalism can be importantly affected by the presence of more than one 
field, requiring the study of interdependent ultraviolet-divergent self-consistent equations. 

In order to test the reliability of the approximations based on the CJT formalism in the 
context of multi-field theories, in the present paper I derive the "bubble approximation" of 
the CJT effective potential in a (thermal) two-scalar-field theory, with particular attention 
to the interplay between temperature effects, ultraviolet structure, and the interdependence 
of the gap equations. 

Establishing more rigorously the reliability of the CJT formalism in multi-field (thermal) 
theories can be very important; for example, this could be useful for the investigation of 
the possibility of symmetry nonrestoration at high temperatures[ll-13] a proposal of great 
importance for modern cosmology and particle physics, which has been recently reenergized 
by the results presented in Refs. [14- 18]. Symmetry nonrestoration scenarios usually require 
a multi-field theory, and their investigation has lead to some controversy (recently revis- 
ited in Ref.[l6|]); in fact , th e results on this subject obtained within certain nonperturbative 
approximation schemes [i~9H are very different from the ones obtained perturbatively[ll-18]. 

The CJT formalism appears to be ideally suited for the investigation of this subject, since 
it encodes some features of the nonperturbative regime within a systematic expansion in 
loops which is quite similar to those encountered in perturbative approaches; it might there- 
fore provide the possibility to bridge the conceptual and quantitative differences between 
perturbative and nonperturbative approaches to the study of symmetry nonrestoration. 

In the CJT formalism the (thermal) effective potential Vr is obtained as the solution of 
a variational problem for the effective potential for composite operators Wt' 

v T ( ( p) = w T [4 >] D T (4 >] k)} , (l) 

5W T [(f); G(k)] 


= , (2) 

G(k)=D T (<t>±) 

where the index T stands for temperature (T = corresponds to the theory in vacuum). A 
rigorous definition of Wt can be found in Refs.|L], |2|, |^, ^UJ; for the purposes of the present 

1 In particular, the approach discussed in Refs.jf], f[| |) was found to have comparable qualities. 
2 Notice that the study of the 0{N) model in the large N approximation, as done for example in Ref.Jl]], 
effectively reduces the analysis to the one of a single-field theory. 


paper it is sufficient to observe that Wt admits a loop expansion, with G(k) appearing as 
the (dressed) propagator: 

G(k)\ = V tree {<j>) + \jl T) Tr[\nG-\k) + D^; k)G(k) - 1] + WRfo G(k)\ , (3) 

where W£ is given by all the two-particle-irreducible vacuum-to-vacuum graphs with two or 
more loops in the theory with vertices given by the interaction part of the shifted ($ — > $+0) 
Lagrangian and propagators set equal to G(k). Also notice that, when T ^ 0, the fourth 
component of momentum is discretized, k^ = innT (n is even for bosons, whereas it is odd for 
fermions), as appropriate for the imaginary time formalism of finite temperature field theory, 
which I intend to use. Moreover, in order to be able to discuss at once the zero-temperature 
and the finite-temperature cases, I introduced the notation 

which at T = is understood to denote the usual momentum integration of field theory in 



The bubble approximation, which I consider in this paper, is the lowest nontrivial order [1- 
3,20,21] of approximation of the effective potential in the CJT formalism. It is obtained by 
including in Wj< only the "double-bubble diagrams" , i. e. diagrams with the topology of two 
rings touching at one point. Formally, the bubble effective potential can be written as 

1 AT) 

V bubble (<P) = W bubble [<P; D b T ubble (<f); k)} = V tree (<P) + - ± InfD^^A:)]- 1 

2 Jk 

1 r(T) 

+-p k [D'lM k)D^ m \k) - 1] + W^fr, ^ e (0; k)} , (6) 

where D^ bble is the solution of 

5W^ ubble [4>] G(k)] 

= . (7) 

G{k)=D h ™ bble {4>;k) 

A complete discussion of the bubble approximation and some of its applications of physical 
relevance are given in Refs. [1-3,20,21]. For the present paper it is important that, for single- 
field theories, it has been possible to show the renormalizability and general consistency of 
the bubble approximation, and it is therefore reasonable to test the reliability of the CJT 
formalism for multi-field theories by performing an analogous calculation. As a preliminary 
indication of the importance of the CJT formalism for the study of symmetry nonrestoration, 
I also point out that the CJT bubble approximation leads to the equations on which the 
analysis of Ref. fTS] is based. 

In order to introduce modularly the various conceptual and technical issues, the paper 
is organized as follows. In the next section, I review the classic zero-temperature result 
for the single-scalar- field ^-invariant model, with quartic contact interactions. In Sec. 3, 
I consider a two-scalar-field Z 2 x Z 2 -invariant model at zero temperature, and address the 
issues introduced by the interdependence among the corresponding two gap equations (one 
for each field) of the CJT formalism. In Sec. 4, I finally add thermal effects, and investigate 
the resulting structure of the bubble effective potential in the same two-field model considered 
in Sec. 3. Sec. 5 is devoted to closing remarks. 


2 Zi MODEL AT T = 

The single scalar field theory of Euclidean Lagrange density 

L = \{d^){d^) + l -m^ + ^\ (8) 

has been extensively studied within the bubble approximation of the CJT formalism. I 
review its analysis in order to set up notation and make observations useful in the study of 
the more complex model considered in the later sections. 

The interaction Lagrangian of the $ —>■ $ + <p shifted theory is 

U^) = ^ 4 + I^ 3 ' ( 9 ) 
the tree-level (classical) potential has the form 

Vtree = + ^ , (10) 

which reflects the Z 2 invariance ($ — > — <&) of (§), and the tree-level propagator is 

From Eqs.(^)-(P) one finds that the zero-temperature CJT bubble^] potential is given 

W) = ^ 2 + ^ 4 + ^ ( ° ) lnD o - 1 (0;fc) 

+^ (0) P 2 + ™ 2 + D (<fc fc) - 1] + ^ f| 0) A>(*; k) 


where D (<p;k) is the solution of the bubble-approximated gap equation (0), which in the 
present case can be written as 

D?(b k) = k* + m> + ^ + ^| 0) D (<f>;p) . (13) 

The last term on the r.h.s. of Eq.(|T2"D (which is responsible for the last term on the r.h.s. of 
Eq.fllSD) is the contribution of the aouble-bubble diagram 0, which is the leading two- loop 
contribution to the CJT effective potential for composite operators in this model. 
Without loss of generality one can write 

w-Q- v+mw (14) 

'Notice that in the following, unlike in the introduction, I suppress the "bubble" index. 


and in terms of the "effective mass" M the gap equation Eq.(|13D can be written as 

M^;k)=m" + ^ + ^P [M }, (15) 
where Po[M ] is the zero-temperature limit of 

Pt[M t ] = t ^ ■ ( 16 ) 

Since Po[Mo] is momentum independent, Eq. (|l5|) implies that (in the bubble approximation) 
the effective mass is momentum independent: Mq = Mo(0). 

In terms of the solution M o (0) of Eq.(^), the bubble effective potential takes the form 

m 2 ,„ A* , A 1 

- l - [M 2 (0) - m 2 - ^0 2 ] P [M (4>)} + ^ (P o [M o (0)]) 2 (17) 

This expression of Vo is affected by two types of divergencies: one originating from its 
divergent integrals, and the other originating from the fact that Mq(4>) is not well-defined 
because of the infinities in Pq(Mq). Let me start the renormalization procedure by obtaining 

a well-defined finite expression for Mq (</>). As shown in Ref.p2 

/If 2 /If 2 

P [M Q ] = h- Mlh + — <L In -± , (18) 

l07T z jjL z 

where lip are divergent integrals 

h = / * = lun ^1 (19) 

* r 1 1 , 1 , A 2 

7 — ^ -F77 i = lim o In -7 , 20 

2tt 3 [ 2 k 2 x /|k| 2 + A i 2 a-°o 16vr 2 /i 2 ' v ; 

/i is the renormalization scale, and A is the ultraviolet momentum cut-off. 
Using Eq.([l8|), the gap equation can be rewritten as 

Ml = h- Mlh + m 2 + ^0 2 + In ^ , (21) 

and the divergent terms can be reabsorbed by introducing the following renormalized pa- 
rameters A$ and m 

leading to the renormalized gap equation 

r2 ~2 , ^ ,2 , T i M? 

M ^ = m 2 + '-^tf + A $7 ^ In ^ . (24) 

Before completing the renormalization of Vq, let me discuss the structure of the renor- 
malized parameters that were just introduced. In particular, notice that, in order to keep 
the renormalized coupling A$ positive and finite, the bare coupling must take negatively 
vanishing values as the cut-off is removed (A$ — > 0~ as A — > oo), leading to an unstable p3| 

theory. This is one aspect of the known "triviality" of the theory under consideration; in 

fact, Eq.(^) also implies that the theory becomes free (A$ — > 0) as the cut-off is removed, 
if, as required by stability, the bare coupling is positive. For physical applications, in which 

it is desirable to keep positive both A$ and A$, this Z 2 model is usually considered as an 
effective low-energy theory, with finite cut-off A such that 

X *ln^<l, (25) 

327T 2 /i : 

(as required by Eq. ([22]) for positive A$ and A$), but larger than any physical mass scale in 
the problem (momenta, temperature, etc.). Actually, in many applications the interesting 
case is 

3^'V« 1 ' < 26 > 

which leads to the ideal scenario of cut-off independence^ with positive A$ and A$. Con- 
sistently with these observations I am ultimately most interested in the cases (p5|)-( p6|) , 
and I keep track of the ultraviolet cut-off A. Renormalizability is obviously encodea in the 
finiteness of the A — > oo limit. 

Having clarified these "triviality-related issues" , I can proceed verifying that the relations 

(22|)-(|2~3|), which were introduced to renormalize the bubble gap equation, also renormalize 
the bubble effective potential. In the simple model presently under consideration this can 
be done in several ways0; I adopt one that can be rather naturally generalized, as shown in 
the following sections, to the case of multi-field theories. Let me start by noticing that from 

the known |22|1 result 

, r ,o Ml ^ M n 4 T M n 4 „ M 2 I 

f> to[t» + Ml] = - ^ J, + [In & - i] , (27) 
K 2 4 64vr 2L fi 2 2 J ' K J 

and Eqs. (|T5|) and (|lTD, it follows that (up to irrelevant 0-independent contributions) 

u 2 Y 24^ 64vr 2L fi 2 2 J 4 2 

-^[M 2 -m 2 -^T. (28) 

This can be rewritten using the definitions (p2"l)-(p3|) as 

2 r 12 v 64vr 2[ /i 2 2 J 

1 r . f 2 ~2 -"W ,2l2 

[M 2 -m 2 -^0 2 ] 2 . (29) 

2A* u 2 

'As shown in, and reviewed below, the cut-off decouples from the analysis in the limit (Eq). 


Finally, using the renormalized gap equation, one finds that 



+ ~ 

2 Y 24 

$ ,4 


A<j> — A 

4> ,4 


M 4 


2 [ ln 

» 2 



327T 2 


where Mo is the solution of the renormalized gap equation (B 
The dependence on the cut-off is all included in the term 

Act, — A 

<& ,4 



<E> ,4 



* In A 2 12 

9 HI 9 


The renormalizability of the CJT bubble effective potential of the Z 2 model is therefore 
shown by the fact that the A — > oo limit of (|31j) is well-defined and finite. The form of the 
effective potential in the limit (p6[) is obtainedfrom (RO) by neglecting the term ([31]). 

3 Z 2 x Z 2 MODEL AT T = 

Still keeping, for the moment, T = 0, I now study the two-scalar-field theory of Euclidean 
Lagrange density 

L = \{d^){d^) + \(d^)(d^) + + + ^|$ 4 + ^ + ^p$ 2 ^ , (32) 

which is Z 2 x Z 2 invariant [($ — ► -$) x (^ — ► -*)]. 

In general in such a theory one could consider the effective potential V(<p, ip) correspond- 
ing to the shifts {$, — > {$ + 0, ty + t/j}. However, for the type of test of the CJT formalism 
that I am performing it is sufficient to look at the projection of V(<j), ip) on the ip = (or equiv- 
alently the = 0) axis, and this is convenient in order to simplify the rather bulky formulas 
involved. Moreover, scenarios for symmetry nonrestoration at high temperatures within this 
Z 2 x Z 2 model require A# > — A$^ > A$ > (or, alternatively, A$ > — A$^ > A# > 0), in which 
case all the significant information is encoded in V((j),ip = 0) (or, alternatively, V(<fi = Q,ifj)). 
Therefore, in the following, I concentrate on V(<j>, -0 = 0), i.e. shifts {$, — > {$ + 0, 
and, for short, use the notation V(4>) for (the bubble approximation of) ^(0,-0 = 0). 

The shift {$, — > {$ + 0, leads to the interaction Lagrangian 

W0; $) = + ^ + ^ + ^i $3 ) (33) 
the tree-level potential 

W™. = ^ + ^ , (34) 

and the tree-level propagator 

[ZW0; k)]ab = FT^TW + ^¥ ' (35) 


The zero-temperature bubble effective potential is given by 




1 f(o) 

~ 2S {mam + ^"(^ ^ 22 > 

i| U; {(A; 2 +m 2 + ^0 2 )^o(0;fc)]n + (^ + - . 2 
1 2 , r m\ -\ 2 


2 1 , ,2 1 j,2 

2 )[D o (0;fc)] 22 -2} 

+ - 


8 \Jk 

A$* r(o) 


t [D (frk)]u 




t [A)(0;fc)] 22 


4 ifc ■ _ 

where [-D o (0; fc)]n and [-D o (0; /c)] 22 are the solutions of the gap equations 

A$ JL(°) r „ , „ Avr/vr, K°) 


([^0(0; k)] u ] 

([Aree(0; ^ll)" 1 + 

■f W)]n + ^fW)l 

J p A Jp 


([A)(0; fc)] 

22 ; 

([Aree(05 k)] 

22 1 


[^o(p)]zi+^jfc W ^o(p)]u. (37) 


Again, it is convenient to reexpress the effective propagator D in terms of effective 

m (A 7M ^al^bl <$a2#& 2 , qq n 

[ZW; k)u = wTMim + k*+m-,k) ' (38) 

allowing to rewrite the gap equations as 

A<j) 2 1 A<j> j-j r ti i 1 A<jjv]/ 

M 2 (0;A;) = m 2 + ^0 2 + ^P [M ] + ^P [^o 

ft 2 (0;£;) = w 2 + 


, 2 


■Po[0 Q ] 



Po[M ] . 


This shows that also in this two-field theory the effective masses are momentum independent 
within the bubble approximation: Mo = Mo(<fi), — ^o(0)- 

In terms of effective masses and bare parameters, Vq has the form 



a> ,4 

H + 

24 r 2 


% {ln[fc 2 + M 2 (0)]+ln[A; 2 + fi 2 (0)]} 

-\ [M 2 (0)-m 2 -^0 2 ]P o [M o ] - \ ltfM-^-±f4> 2 } 

p [n 

A 4 



The first step toward the renormalization of Vq is the renormalization of the gap equations, 
which, using Eq . (|i~8f ) , can be rewritten as 

A** / r n 2r , ^0 1 ^0 

'"2" I Jl ~ ^ + 16^ ln 7 

fi 2 fi 2 * 


16tt 2 

167T 2 



Notice that the interdependence of the gap equations affects importantly the structure of 
divergent terms. Since in each gap equation divergent coefficients appear in front of both M 2 
and fig, i n this two-field theory the renormalization cannot proceed by considering the gap 
equations independently (whereas the only gap equation present in the single-field theory 
considered earlier could obviously be renormalized on its own). Nevertheless, I am able 
to obtain renormalized results by exploiting the fact that combining appropriately the gap 
Eqs.pil) one can derive the following equivalent set of equations 

Ml Ml h X^m 2 - X^u 2 
32^ n U + 1 2 + A*A*-A 2 


a 2 ; Mo + a A 

A$^ / A<j>A,j, 

fig _ fig I\ AdpCJ 2 — AcJnJ/77?, 2 

— n 7^ + 2~ + ^A 

Q 2 

\2 > 


A$A«ii — A|^, 

x 2 

A~^ >T M » 


Notice that in the first (second) of these equations divergent coefficients appear only in 

front of M (fio). The structure of the Eqs.i 
parameters A<j>, A*, A$*, m, u, defined by 

suggests the introduction of renormalized 


A^A^/ — 

X 2 


A<3> A\p — 

X 2 

A<j>A\i/ — A 2 

A$Cl> — AtJixJ/TTi 


A* A 

$ Avji 

x 2 


V 0* 

A$A\I/ — A|^ 

AxjiTTi 2 — A<j>v[iCo> 2 



2 AdpAvj/ — A 2 

- + - 2 • 

2 AdpAvJ; — Xg 


A$Avi/ — A 2 


I\ X^m 2 — X^u 2 
2~ + 

A$Avj/ — A 2 


h X^m 2 
2 X<f, X 

Acjivj/cu 2 

$ Avjj 

X 2 


In terms of these renormalized parameters the Eqs.([42"D can be rewritten as 
k 2 m2 n/ r2 \^m 2 -X^u 2 -X^Ml + X^n 2 

2 + 32vr 2 

M 2 M 2 
fi 2 

A<j>Avj< — A 2 

fig j fig ^ X&UJ 2 — AcJuJiTTi 2 — Acjifig + A<J)X|/iWg 

32vT 2 /i 2 

XgyX^J - XI 




In turn these equations can be combined to obtain the following equivalent set of equations 

r2 \__ r>2 r>2 

M 2 (0;fc) 

fi 2 (0; k) 

- 2 + T^+ 2 16.2 

A* M ^ M 

2 2 16tt 2 


\ O 2 O 2 
/\<|>\[/ l 

u 2 + 



A* fig 


2 167T 2 /i2 2 16vr 2 

' In — 5 L 


which can be interpreted as renormalized gap equations. 

Before completing the renormalization of Vq, I want to observe that also the Z 2 x Z 2 model 
presently under consideration presents triviality- related features. In fact, from (f43|)-(f47|) it 
follows that by requiring 

Aq> > , Acj> > , Avj;A$ 

A$^, > 


(the conditions usually assumed JTT|, |15|] to be sufficient to ensure the stability of the theory), 
one finds that A^, — > 0~ and A$ — > 0~ in the A — > oo limit, whereas by insisting on a bare 
potential bounded from below, i.e. demanding 

Avj; > , A<j> > , AvjiAcj 

A^^, > 


one finds that A^ — > + and A$ — > + in the A — ► oo limit. 

A physically meaningful Z 2 x Z 2 model can be certainly obtained as a low-energy effective 
theory with cut-off A small enough to be consistent with both fljOj) and (51), so, like in the 
previous section, I keep track of the ultraviolet cut-off A, and take the limit A — > oo only 
when testing renormalizability. 

In order to show that the renormalization prescriptions (|43|)-(f47|) also renormalize the 
effective potential, I rewrite Vq using Eqs.(|2"7|), (|4*D|), and 

m 2 2 


2 r 24 r 

Ml + nt M 2 + {1 2 M 2 1 

~^~ h + ~~2 h + 64^ [ln ^ " 2 J + 64^ 

O 4 O 2 1 
° ^-5] 




A**(f2§ - cj 2 ) - Am,(M 2 - m 2 ) + (A$Avp 


A$ A 

AcJ>tJ; (-Mq 



x 2 


\<b A 

X 2 


[A^ (fig-cu 2 ) - A* (M 2 -m 2 ) + (A$A# - A**) [A<&* (M 2 -m 2 ) - A$ (^-cj 2 )] 

[A$A,jf — A|,j,]2 
Using the definitions (|43| ) -(f47 D one then finds that 



2 v 24 

A<j> — A 

$ ,4 





AcJiVJ/ (f2, 

12 r 

-A*(M 2 


il [ln M_I ] + _ 

64tt 2[ a 2 T 64tt 2 

fi 4 fi 2 1 

+ ( A<j> Avj/ 

A$$) y 


A<j> Avj/ 


x 2 

Acj> Aijr — A 2 


[A^(H^ 2 ) - A* (M 2 -m 2 ) + (A$Axp- A**) f ] [A** (M 2 -m 2 ) - A$ (fi 2 ,^ 2 )] 

A(j)Av]> — A 2 



which using Eqs.(|48|) finally leads to the result 

V = + + + ^S_[ln M - I] + iM_ |ln [| _ I] 

2 r 24 r 12 ^ 64vr 2L /x 2 2 J 64vr 2 L /i 2 2 J 

A $ r M i M l2 _ ^0 i ^012 _ r M i M 1 r ^0 i ^Ql 

8 [ 16vr 2 /i 2j 8 [ 16vr 2 /i 2j 4 [ 16vr 2 /i 2 J[ 16vr 2 /i 2j ' 1 J 

Again, the only A-dependent contribution comes from the term (A$ — A$)0 4 /12. As it can 
be easily derived from Eqs.(|4*3|)-(f4T|), this term has a well-defined and finite A — > oo limit, 
indicating that the CJT buBble potential of the Z 2 x Z2 model at zero temperature is 


In this section I finally consider the finite temperature case; specifically, I study the CJT 
bubble effective potential of the Z 2 x Z 2 model in the imaginary time formalism of finite tem- 
perature field theory. The temperature dependence, besides introducing additional elements 
of technical difficulty, affects very importantly some of the issues under investigation in the 
present paper. In ordinary analyses of perturbative renomarlizability of the finite tempera- 
ture effective potential a central role is played by the fact the renormalization prescriptions 
for the parameters of a field theory are temperature independent [f20|, |24fl . However, as shown 
below, because of the temperature dependence of the effective propagator (which results 
from the nonperturbative nature of the approach) there are finite temperature Feynman 
diagrams relevant for the CJT formalism that give highly nontrivial temperature- and in- 
dependent divergent contributions to the effective potential. Unless these divergencies can 
be reabsorbed by the introduction of temperature-independent renormalized parameters, the 
physical consistency of the nonperturbative approach is to be doubted f20||. 

I start by introducing temperature-dependent effective masses 

[Dt ^ k)U = k 2 + M%{<f>; k) + k 2 + k) ' (55) 

which, in the bubble approximation, must satisfy the gap equations 

M*(bh) = m" + ^ + ^P T [M T ] + ^fP T [n T ], 

nUM = ^ + ^ + ^p T [n T } + ^fp T [M T }, (56) 

indicating that and Qt are momentum independent: Mj> = Mt (</>), Qt = ^t{4 > )- 
In terms of the effective masses the bubble effective potential can be written as 

V T = ^ + ^ + lf\Hk> + Mt] + \n[k* + tf T ]} 

+^ {p T [M T ]f + ^ (p T [n T }) 2 + ^p t [m t ]p t [q t ] 




^0 4 

-t {ln[A; 2 + M|] + ln[A; 2 + ^]} 

2 Jk 

J± (p t [m t )) 2 - ^ (p T [n T ]) 2 - ^Lp T [M T ]p T [n T ] 


where the last equality follows from the gap equations (56|). 

The ultraviolet divergent contributions can be identified using the well-known results) 23 
for the "tadpole" 

P T [M] 

P^ ] [M] 


M 2 

M 2 I 2 + P^'[M] 

16tt 2 


and the "one loop" 

ln[/c + M 

q { 4\m] 


M 2 

M 4 

M 4 
64tt 2 

d 3 k 

k| 2 + M 2 1 — exp 


h + ^h + Q^[M] 

n M 2 1, m /" 




P^ /} and_Q 


_ T are finite (i.e. do not diverge as the cut-off is removed) and their structure is 
known |25j within a "high temperature" (small M/T) expansion 

T 2 MT M 2 , M 2 

I In 

12 4vr 16vr 2 T 2 

„ (f)r n vr 2 T 4 M 2 T 2 M 3 T M 4 , M 2 

[M] ~ — + — 77T — - In — . (60) 

P^ /} [M] 





show that some of the divergent contributions to Vp come from terms 
that are analogous to those encountered in the zero-temperature case, but now involve the 
temperature dependent effective masses Mt^t i n place of their zero-temperature limits 
Mq,Qq. Other divergent contributions to Vr come from products of two Pr's, and involve 
t f) ( f) 

terms of structure Pj ' I\ or Pj- - J 2 . The analysis of this latter type of divergent contributions 

( f) 

is complicated by the fact that the information available on Pj! is only in the form of a 
series expansion. However, I show below that the steps for renormalization that I followed 
in the previous sections can be generalized to the finite temperature case in such a way to 

require no explicit information on Pjf' (besides the fact that it stays finite as the cut-off is 
removed) . 

First, let me reexpress the gap equations (ISBT) in the spirit of the Eqs.( 

I\ X^m 2 — X^u 2 



AcJ> Aijr 
, h 


\ 2 

^ cJ>\J> ( 

A$u; 2 

M 2 + 


A$ Avp 
\q,^m 2 

\ 2 

A<j)Avj( — A 


\$\\& — A 2 



x 2 




In agreement with the physical arguments 1 20, ^3] indicating that the renormalization pre- 
scriptions for the parameters of a thermal field theory should be temperature- independent, 
the divergencies in these equations can be absorbed by introducing the same renormalized 
parameters found necessary in the zero-temperature analysis; in fact, in terms of the m, uj, 
A$, A$, of Eqs.(|43|)-(f47D, the Eqs. (|6~l~[) can be rewritten as 

— + r T [Mt J H 

A<j> A\j/ — A 2 

4 /} (^t) + 

A<j>to> 2 — A<j>v]/?Ti 2 + A$\|/iVfj> — A<j>0 


X 2 

These can then be recombined to obtain the "renormalized gap equations" 


M 2 

m + 


2 "*^ + '-^pv>(M T ) + '-^P¥>{a 




P (/)/ 

£ 2 + 

2 r 2 
A$^ 2 A* (/) 



2 +Y P ^^) + T^ /)(Mt) 


In order to show that temperature independent renormalization prescriptions also allow to 
renormalize the bubble effective potential, let me start by observing that Eqs. (p7[) -( p9|) imply 



^ + ^ 4 + Q¥ > [M T ] + Q^[n T ]^ | 




Ml + til 


h - M$I 2 + PT f) [M T })~ - ^ (/i - ti 2 T h + P¥'[n T 





(fx - M 2 I 2 + P^IMt]) (A - Q 2 T I 2 + pPIQt) 

One can then use Eq.(^TJ) to show that 

h + 

1 ' M# + !i - ■ A M/ 1 + Q</>[M T]+ Q</) |nT ] 

2 ^ 24 r 






\^{Vl\ - cj 2 ) - A*(M| - m 2 ) + (A$A* - A$#) 

A$A\j( — A 2 

A$#(M| - m 2 ) - A*(nf. - J 1 

A* A 

A 2 


[A** (fi^-cu 2 ) - A* (M 2 -m 2 ) + ( A$ A* - A$*) ^ ] [A$* (M 2 -m 2 ) - A$ (ft 


[A$Aii< — A|^,] 2 

which in terms of the renormalized parameters of Eqs.(f43l 

takes the form 



n 771,2 j. 2 i ^* j.4 , — ^* jl4 

vt = — H H 

2 ^ 24 r 12 




A^^t - uj 2 ) - A#(M|. - m 2 ) + (A$A# - A$#) 

A<j>A\j( — A 2 


A W (M| - m 2 ) - A$(ft£ - a; 2 ) 
A$Aij, — A|>^ 


~ [X^(n 2 T ^j 2 )- A^(M 2 -m 2 ) + (A$Ag / -A^)^][A$v & (M|-m 2 )-A$(^-^ 2 )] 
-A$* ~— ~ ~- 2 , (66) 

and can be finally reexpressed using the renormalized gap equations (|63|) as 

= + + + [Mr] + Qf [n T ] 

-|(P^[M T ]) 2 - ^(P«[0 T ]) 2 - ~^ P (f) [MT mn T } , (67) 

Once again the A-dependence is confined to the term (A$— A$)0 4 /12 which [as easily checked 
from Eqs.(S3|)-(^)1 has a well-defined and finite A — > oo limit, indicating the renormaliz- 
ability of the CJT bubble potential of the Z 2 x Z 2 model at finite temperature. 


In this paper I have provided evidence in support of the reliability of approximations 
based on the CJT formalism in the context of multi-field (thermal) theories. The aspects of 
the analysis which required the development of new technical tools, such as the simultaneous 
renormalization of the gap equations and the triviality-related issues, might encode more 
physical information than I was able to uncover here; this should be investigated in the 
future. It would also be interesting to check whether in multi-field theories it is possible to 
confirm the agreement established within single-field theories between the nonperturbative 
approximations used in Refs.H |I| and the CJT bubble approximation. Issues such as those 

related to the interdependence of the gap equations are not easily phrased in some of the 
other nonperturbative approximations, and this might lead to complications. 

Most importantly, the apparent reliability of the CJT formalism for multi-field theories 
can be exploited in the investigation of physical problems, especially the possibility of sym- 
metry nonrestoration, for which, as discussed in the introduction, the CJT formalism is 
ideally suited. The analysis presented in this paper already provides results directly relevant 
for symmetry nonrestoration; in particular, from Eqs. floTf) and (^) it follows that at high 

2 ~2 , a *j,2 , A * /T 2 M T T A$^ T 2 &tT^ 
My ~ m +— 4> +— {— ; — ) + 

2 T 2 v 12 4tt ' 2 v 12 4tt 

r>2 ~2 , ,2 i A* ,T 2 ^t7\ A$# T 2 M t T 

llr ~ lo H (p H ( H ), 68) 

T 2 V 2 v 12 4tt ; 2 v 12 4tt ; ' v ; 

which are the equations used in the symmetry nonrestoration analysis of Ref. ||15||. In Ref . [15 1 
these equations were taken as a starting point, without a discussion of the issues related to 
ultraviolet divergences; therefore, my analysis, by providing an explicit renormalization pro- 
cedure leading to fl6"8"|) , renders more robust those results. On the other hand my investigation 
of the ultraviolet structure raises some new issues for symmetry nonrestoration. Firstly, it 
appears that the physical consistency of the analysis requires that the theory be consid- 
ered as an effective low-energy theory. Moreover, the triviality-related issues encountered 


in Sec. 3, indicate that it is necessary to reconsider the conventional assumption that ( p0|) 
be sufficient for stability. It appears, in fact, necessary to perform a more careful stability 
analysis analogous to the one given in Ref . ||23|| , in which it was shown that, as a by-product 

of triviality, in the simple Z2 model (the \(jr model), the condition A$>0 [whose equivalent 

in the Z2 x Z2 model is Eq.(p0|)1 is insufficient for stability. Further investigation of this issue, 
and its relevance for the possibility of symmetry nonrestoration, is left for future work. 


It is a pleasure to acknowledge conversations with R. Jackiw, O. Philipsen, S.-Y. Pi, and 
S. Sarkar. 



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